“I’m passionate about working closely with our clients, about making a difference to their lives.”

Rin Kim is an experienced Lawyer with a demonstrated history of success working in the Brisbane legal industry.

With a variety of workplace backgrounds and diverse cultural experience, Rin is one of the most motivated and professional lawyers working in the compensation area today.

Having a Korean heritage, growing up in Canada and studying law at Bond University in Australia provides Rin with a unique experience and perspective which greatly assists her clients in achieving a successful result.

She is a strong legal professional with an enviable track record and is a leader in her field.

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During the period 1 January to 31 December 2023, there were 277 fatalities as a result of motor vehicle accidents within Queensland. Further, according to the Motor Accident Insurance Commission of Queensland, so far in 2024 (up to end of Q2), 3,779 claims for personal injury have been lodged by or on behalf of people injured in Queensland road accidents.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that while injured claimants who self-represent may resolve their own claims for injuries and resulting losses quicker; they are paid significantly less than claimants who are legally represented.

Types of Motor Vehicle Accident Claims

In Queensland, all vehicles that are allowed to travel on public roads are required to be licensed. This includes road trailers for cars and trucks and certain types of wheeled machinery, such as mobile cranes and tractors. A component of their annual vehicle registration is the Compulsory Third Party insurance, which provides insurance for an at-fault vehicle owner & driver that persons injured in a motor vehicle accident can claim against.

Additionally, there are “vehicles” that currently do not require registration – bicycles, E-bikes, E-scooters, powered wheelchairs and disability buggies – which also find themselves involved in collisions with registered motor vehicles on public roads.

Finally, there are pedestrians who unfortunately find themselves involved in accidents involving motor vehicles while crossing public roads or on footpaths.

Motor Vehicle Accident Claims

These claims encompass collisions between registered motor vehicles, between registered motor vehicle and unregistered transportation devices (e-scooters, e-bikes, powered wheelchairs etc), and single vehicle accidents. Claims can be made by both drivers and passengers against the at-fault driver/ vehicle.

Claims can cover both personal injury (pain & suffering, out of pocket expenses, economic loss, medical costs, past & future care etc) and property damage claims for repair or replacement of the damaged vehicle and damaged vehicle contents.

NOTE: An at-fault driver cannot make a claim against themselves or the CTP insurance on their own vehicle.

Motorcycle Accident Claims

Due to the lack of protection for riders and passengers, motorcycle accidents often result in severe injury or death. Claims can be brought by the rider and pillion passenger against the at-fault driver/ owner.

Claims can cover both personal injury (pain & suffering, out of pocket expenses, economic loss, medical costs, past & future care etc) and property damage claims for repair or replacement of the damaged motorcycle and of rider and passenger clothes, equipment (helmet, gauntlets etc) and personal effects.

Bicycle Accident Claims

Just like motorcycles, bicycle riders can sustain severe and life-threatening injuries in collisions with motor vehicles.

Claims can cover both personal injury (pain & suffering, out of pocket expenses, economic loss, medical costs, past & future care etc) and property damage claims for repair or replacement of the damaged bicycle and rider’s clothing and equipment.

Pedestrian Accident Claims

Pedestrians struck by motor vehicles can claim for both personal injury (pain & suffering, out of pocket expenses, economic loss, medical costs, past & future care etc) and property damage claims for replacement or repair of clothing and personal effects damaged in the accident.

Hit and Run Claims

Sometimes accidents involve vehicles that do not stop or remain at the scene of the accident for long enough to be identified. Persons injured in those circumstances can, having followed the legal requirements, make their claim for personal injuries against the default insurer – the Nominal Defendant Queensland.

Public Transport Accident Claims

Accidents involving buses fall under this category. Claims can cover both personal injury (pain & suffering, out of pocket expenses, economic loss, medical costs, past & future care etc.) and property damage claims for repair or replacement of the damaged vehicle and personal effects.

E-Bike, E-Scooter and Mobility Aid Claims

Accidents where e-scooters, e-bikes or powered wheelchairs and buggies come into collision with a registered motor vehicle fall into this category. Accidents involving collisions with these transportation devices only are public liability claims.

Claims can cover both personal injury (pain & suffering, out of pocket expenses, economic loss, medical costs, past & future care etc) and property damage claims for repair or replacement of the damaged transportation device.

Motor Vehicle Personal Injury Compensation Explained

A person injured in a motor vehicle accident can claim against the at-fault vehicle owner/ driver (but not themselves) for a variety of types of damage; so long as they can establish, on the balance of probabilities, that the loss and damage was caused by the accident.

Recoverable Damages in Motor Vehicle Personal Injury Claims

Here is a list of compensation payouts for various recoverable damages:

  • Medical Expenses: Current and future medical bills associated with your injuries, including doctor visits, medications, surgery, and rehabilitation.

  • Lost Wages: Compensation for wages you lose due to missed work because of your injuries. If your injury means that you are likely to miss work or overtime in the future due to time off for ongoing treatment, surgery and recuperation, or if you are simply unable to continue in your pre-accident employment due to ongoing incapacity, a claim for future economic loss can also be made.

  • Loss of Earning Capacity: If your injuries permanently impact your ability to work and earn a living, compensation may be available. A claim can also be made if your ongoing accident incapacity limits your ability or opportunity to change jobs or to advance your career by promotion or upskilling.

  • Pain and Suffering: This intangible loss considers the physical and emotional pain you’ve endured due to the accident. Your entitlement for this type of compensation is heavily regulated under the legislation and generally requires expert medical evidencing your relevant ISV – Injury Scale Value in order to be quantified.

  • Lost superannuation: Where you have lost income as a result of your injuries, you will also have lost superannuation on that lost income. You can claim for the value of that lost superannuation up to the time of settlement/ trial and also for the future where you have a future economic loss claim.
  • Unpaid Domestic Care: Where you have required domestic care and assistance (including cleaning, washing, cooking, shopping, transport to and from appointments, dressing, personal hygiene, gardening) which exceeds the statutory threshold, a claim to receive the commercial value of that care for the past and the future can be made.

Factors Affecting Motor Vehicle Accident Compensation

Several factors can influence the outcome of your personal injury claim:

  1. Severity of Injuries: The seriousness of your injuries significantly impacts the compensation amount. More severe injuries typically result in higher awards.

  2. Medical Documentation: Detailed medical records documenting the extent and prognosis of your injuries strengthen your claim. Independent expert medical reports may also be required to determine your Injury Scale Value (to determine your entitlement to pain & suffering damages) and to support your claims for past and future loss of wages/ economic loss.

  3. Impact on Daily Life: The degree to which the accident affects your daily activities, hobbies, and overall well-being is considered. If it is established that you have required care and assistance above the minimum statutory threshold, you will be entitled to claim significant compensation for past and future care; and the necessity for care will support your case for economic loss and economic disadvantage.

  4. Shared Fault: If you are partially at fault for the motor vehicle accident, the extent you are to blame will be determined by a percentage in line with historical court cases. Your compensation will then be reduced by that percentage. This can have an important effect on the compensation you end up receiving in your hand – this is because while your overall compensation will be reduced by percentage, your statutory refunds to Centrelink, Medicare and other government agencies are not reduced (so you will pay those full refunds from your reduced compensation).

  5. Government Refunds: If you have received government agency benefits as a result of your motor vehicle accident injuries, such as Centrelink disability benefits or Medicare benefits towards the cost of your accident medical treatment, these benefits will be refundable from your compensation once settled/ determined. Where you have claimed economic loss, Centrelink has a statutory preclusion period during which time you cannot receive further benefits. Finally, if you have an unrelated outstanding government agency debt, such as a child support agency refund or charge, that outstanding amount will be deducted from your compensation BEFORE you receive the balance. 

Why You Should Consider Legal Help After a Car Accident

While you have the right to pursue a car accident claim on your own, the legal process can be intricate and stressful. Here’s how a lawyer can significantly benefit your case:

  1. Streamlining the Process: Lawyers are well-versed in car accident law and can handle the complexities of claims, freeing you to focus on recovery.

  2. Evidence Gathering: Motor accident compensation lawyers have connections with independent medical experts who are prepared to provide specialist reports to insurers and the courts to support your claim. Further, lawyers have access to arrangements for upfront or deferred payment of the substantial cost of obtaining independent expert medical reports and other records from medical providers and government agencies.

  3. Negotiation Skills: Negotiating with CTP insurers can be challenging. A self-represented claimant will find themselves facing a plethora of submissions of what is fair and reasonable compensation for their injuries without any clear and reliable reference point to assess the truth or reasonableness of them. A CTP insurer acts in its own interests and is not obliged to offer claimants what their claims are truly worth. A lawyer’s experience and negotiation skills can help secure a fairer settlement that better reflects the full extent of your entitlement to damages.

  4. Court Representation: If your claim goes to court, a lawyer is better placed to comply with court rules and requirements to best present your evidence and case to the court. 

  5. Peace of Mind: Having a qualified professional handle your case can alleviate the burden and stress associated with navigating the legal system after an accident. If you self-represent and accept the CTP insurer’s “best and last offer” of compensation, you will always be left wondering whether you have received your true and full entitlement to compensation. Indeed, there are many cases where self-represented claimants subsequently approach lawyers to ask whether their compensation claim can be reopened due to a need for further treatment or surgery – only to be told that the discharge they have signed with the CTP insurer prevents them from making any further claim.

Steps to Report a Motor Vehicle Accident and to make a Motor Vehicle Accident Claim

While a car accident lawyer can significantly reduce your stress and workload, some crucial steps remain. Here’s how a lawyer can help you navigate each phase.

1. Report the Accident Promptly

File a police report at the scene, which your lawyer will later use as evidence to support your claim.

It is the law in Queensland that if there is an injury in a motor vehicle accident, the accident must be notified to the Queensland Police Service. It is always best to notify the police from the accident scene. This is recommended for several reasons – if the police attend, they can conduct alcohol and drug tests on drivers, take on the spot statements, take witness details, take accident photographs and diagrams and assess skidmarks and other signs to help establish who was at fault.

If the police are notified days after the accident, drivers’ versions of events may change, witnesses may be difficult or unable to be contacted and interviewed, accident evidence will have been lost and it can take longer for the police to register an accident number (needed for your claim).

Sometimes the CTP insurer of the at-fault vehicle will form the view that your failure to report the motor vehicle accident to the police at the time it occurred is a sign that you were not injured in the accident and that your claim is for financial gain rather than to compensate for legitimate injuries and loss.

2. Gather Your Evidence

Gather contact information from everyone involved in the accident and take photos of the scene, capturing damage to vehicles and any visible injuries if possible.

It may be necessary to seek out CCTV footage of the motor vehicle accident from surrounding businesses before the footage is destroyed.

Your lawyer will then organise all documentation, including the police report, your medical records, and any witness statements you’ve collected. 

Additionally, your lawyer may consult with experts like accident reconstructionists or medical professionals to strengthen your case and build a solid foundation for your claim.

3. Prepare and Submit a Notice of Accident Claim Form with the relevant CTP Insurer

Inform the insurance company of the at-fault driver/ owner (or the Nominal Defendant if unidentified or uninsured) about the accident as soon as possible. Your lawyer will take over communication with the insurer from this point forward. They’ll ensure all necessary information is provided in a timely and complete fashion, while also protecting your interests throughout the process.

Be aware that if you lodge a notice of accident claim form (NOAC) by yourself/ without legal representation, the insurance company of the at-fault driver will contact you and start making all sorts of “helpful” offers of assistance and to settle your claim. They may even say things like “best and final offer” in the hope that you will accept it. As already mentioned above, this is a strategy to resolve claims to the insurer’s benefit and not necessarily (or likely) in yours.

4. Pre-litigation Investigation Phase

Once the claim is submitted, it will be reviewed by the CTP insurer of the at-fault motor vehicle. Once your claim form is deemed compliant (that it has been completed fully and properly), the CTP insurer has six months to investigate the accident circumstances and provide a liability response.

This involves the CTP insurer stating whether it accepts that its driver was fully or partially (and to what percentage degree) at fault for your accident. If the CTP insurer accepts liability, then it is obliged to fund your reasonable and necessary ongoing rehabilitation needs – including ongoing medical treatment, physiotherapy and the like. The CTP insurer may also seek further information from you about the circumstances of the accident, your previous relevant medical history and the evidence supporting your claims for compensation for damage.

During this review process, your lawyer will stay in touch with you, keeping you informed of the claim progress, obtaining your instructions to respond to the CTP insurer’s requests for information and addressing any questions you may have. Your lawyer will also arrange any required independent medical review to obtain expert medical evidence to support your claim – generally at or around 10 – 12 months post-accident (which is when, statistically, most injuries achieve their maximal resolution). The CTP insurer may require their own independent medical evaluation, which your lawyer will notify you of and assist you with your attendance.

Once the six-month period has expired and all required evidence on both sides is obtained, there is a requirement for a compulsory conference to attempt to resolve your claim. Your lawyer will advise and represent you in that process. The majority of motor accident compensation claims resolve at this conference.

What to Expect

The CTP insurer company will conduct a thorough review of your claim. This will involve examining the police report, your medical records, photos of the vehicle damage, and any witness statements. In some cases, they may even conduct their own investigation to verify the details of the accident and gather additional information.

The CTP insurer is acting in its own interests and not yours – it’s object is to pay you nothing or as little as it can. Your lawyer’s job is to extract an admission of liability from the insurer, get the insurer to pay your reasonable rehabilitation expenses if possible and to secure a settlement sum that optimally compensates you for the loss and damage you have suffered. If your claim cannot be resolved at or before compulsory conference in the pre-litigation phase, your lawyer’s job will then continue by bringing legal proceedings in the court on your behalf and to continue to negotiate while otherwise preparing for a trial.

Almost all matters settle prior to trial. The statistical evidence of this is the fact that while there are several thousand motor accident compensation claims lodged each year, there are perhaps only 15 – 20 court cases decided in these matters annually.

Factors Affecting Claim Decisions

  1. Fault Determination: Establishing who caused the motor vehicle accident is crucial. This significantly impacts whether your claim is accepted and the amount of compensation you receive if there is an apportionment for shared blame/ responsibility.

  2. Extent of Damage:It is not enough that the other driver was to blame for the accident. The CTP insurer of the at-fault vehicle needs to be convinced that the accident caused you loss and damage to the extent that you claim. The CTP insurer will therefore assess the extent of property damage (vehicle repairs) to each vehicle and the severity of your injuries (evidenced by the medical records and reports, evidence of medical expenses, and your time off work or reasons for not taking time off work). After weighing up all of this evidence your lawyer and the CTP insurer will come to their respective views and then negotiate (with your instructions and permission) to see if a mutually acceptable compromise can be agreed.

Limitation Period

In Queensland, the time in which you can make a motor vehicle accident claim is limited by legislation. Firstly, the Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994 (MAIA) provides that if you intend making a claim, you should complete and lodge your Notice of Accident Claim form (NOAC) within one month of engaging a lawyer or within nine months of the accident – whichever is the earlier date. You can still lodge outside that date – you just have to provide the insurer with a reasonable explanation (which we have never known to be a problem). Secondly, the Limitation of Actions Act 1974 provides that you have three years from the date of the accident or three years from your 18th birthday to either settle your claim or have legal proceedings commenced in a Queensland court. To be clear, lodging your NOAC isn’t the same thing – and you have to complete a number of steps under the MAIA before you can commence legal proceedings.

So, if you decide to bring a motor accident compensation claim for personal injuries, you should consider consulting with a motor accident compensation lawyer, especially if you are making the claim outside 9 months from the date of accident and in proximity to the three year limitation period.

Claim Processing Timeline

The timeframe for claim processing varies depending on the case’s complexity. Straightforward claims with minimal injuries and property damage might resolve within a few months. Conversely, claims involving severe injuries, disputed fault, or extensive investigations can take about 18 months – longer if the matter cannot resolve without proceeding to litigation.

Life can take unexpected turns, and sometimes those turns involve getting hurt because of someone else’s carelessness.

If you’ve been injured in Queensland due to another party’s negligence (whether motor vehicle accident, workplace accident or public liability accident), you generally have three years from the date of injury (with limited exceptions) or from your 18th birthday (whichever is the later) to comply with relevant legislative procedures and to have, if necessary, commenced legal proceedings in a Queensland court. Bringing a claim will often be opposed by the insurer of the at-fault party and their lawyers. This process might seem intimidating. The guides on this website aim to simplify aspects of the process and empower you to seek appropriate compensation for your loss and damage.

Here, we’ve included a list of compensation payouts for different types of injury which you might qualify for.

What is a Compensation Payout?

A compensation payout is a financial award that helps you recover after an accident caused by someone else’s negligence. It is compensatory, not punitive, so the intent is to put you, as far as money is able to do, in the position you would have been in had the negligent conduct causing your injury had not occurred.

Compensation can cover:

  • Medical Bills: This covers past and future medical expenses related to your injury, such as hospital stays, doctor and specialist visits, surgical costs, medication, physical therapy, and rehabilitation and medical equipment costs.

  • Lost Wages and Loss of Earning Capacity: If your injury restricts or prevents you from working, forces you to take time off or reduce your hours or overtime, or limits your opportunities for promotion or to work in other vocations, compensation can help offset those lost wages and missed opportunities, and ensure financial stability during your recovery and in the future.

  • Pain and Suffering: This acknowledges the emotional and physical toll your injury has taken on you. While difficult to quantify, pain and suffering is a valid component of compensation. This type of damage is heavily regulated in Queensland, whether it is for a workers’ compensation, motor vehicle or public liability claim.

  • Lost Superannuation: Where you have lost income from the date of injury up to the time of claim settlement and where there will be lost income/ lost earning capacity in the future, those losses will result in a consequential loss of past and future superannuation (which would have otherwise accrued on that “lost” income). The resulting lost superannuation can be claimed.
  • Unpaid and Paid Care & Assistance: While unpaid care is not available in workers compensation matters, you can claim for unpaid care & assistance (including cleaning, cooking, shopping, washing, vacuuming, mopping, ironing, dressing, wound care, transportation, gardening etc.) if you meet the statutory threshold and so long as the need for the care arises as a result of the accident injuries. Paid care & assistance will generally be recoverable, again where the need is due to the accident injuries (with some statutory restrictions).

The amount you receive depends on several factors, including:

  • Severity of your injuries

  • Long-term impact on your life

  • Specific circumstances of your case

Are You Entitled to a Compensation Payout?

After an accident or injury, you might be wondering if you have grounds to seek compensation. Here’s a breakdown of some key factors to consider:

1. Negligence

Ask: Did someone else’s actions or inaction cause your injury (e.g., drunk driver, property owner failing to maintain a walkway)?

Negligence means if someone else’s carelessness and breach of duty of care caused your injury, you might have a claim. This includes scenarios like injuries from a drunk driving accident, a workplace accident due to unsafe equipment or a fall on an improperly maintained property. If the actions of the person who owed a duty of care to you didn’t meet the reasonable standard required of them and which caused your injury, it’s worth investigating whether you have a viable claim for compensation.

2. Damages

Ask: Can you prove financial losses (medical bills, lost wages) or non-financial losses (pain and suffering) from the injury?

For a compensation claim, you need to show you suffered injury as a direct consequence of the negligence/ breach of duty of another and that your injury resulted in identifiable losses. These can be financial, like medical expenses and lost income, or non-financial, such as pain, incapacity, disability, psychiatric injury or emotional distress.

3. Evidence

Remember: Medical records, police reports, witness statements, and photos strengthen your case.

A strong compensation case relies on evidence that proves the other party’s negligence/ breach of duty of care, how it directly caused your injury and the extent of your resulting loss. This evidence can include medical records documenting your injuries, police reports from a motor vehicle accident, a workplace health and safety investigation report into a workplace accident, an expert engineer’s slip coefficient test for a public liability claim, witness statements, photos of the accident scene or your injuries, invoices and receipts for medical and other expenses, and financial or employment records to establish economic loss.

4. Time Limits

Remember: Each state has a deadline (statute of limitations) to file a claim. Missing it can weaken your case or bar you from seeking compensation.

Each state sets its own compensation claim deadlines by legislation – often referred to as a statute of limitations. In Queensland, the limitation period for personal injury claims is (with very limited exceptions) three years from the date of injury or the date the injured person reaches 18 years of age within which to resolve any claim or to commence legal proceedings in a Queensland court. Additionally, the legislation covering personal injury claims for motor vehicle accidents, workers’ compensation and public liability claims imposes pre-litigation requirements which must be complied with before court proceedings can be commenced.

If you miss the statute of limitations deadline, you will lose your chance to seek compensation (as there are only very limited, costly and technical exceptions allowing for a court-ordered extension of time).

It’s important to know the specific statute of limitations date for your injury and to act quickly after your injury given how long it sometimes takes to complete the necessary pre-litigation requirements.

If you have taken no action and the three-year anniversary or your 21st birthday is rapidly approaching, it is important to consult with a lawyer, as there are processes by which your limitation period can be informally or formally extended.

Types of Compensation Payout

Hurt due to another party’s carelessness? Here’s a breakdown of potential compensation payouts you could be entitled to.

Motor Vehicle Accident Claims

Personal injury compensation payouts can include payments for pain and suffering, past and future out of pocket expenses (such as medical and pharmaceutical costs), past and future economic loss and loss of earning capacity, lost superannuation and past and future unpaid and paid care and assistance.

Motor vehicle property damage claims reimburse repair or replacement value of the damaged vehicle, interim rental car hire, repair or replacement of damaged personal effects and potential loss of use claims for business vehicles.

Workplace Injuries (Workers Compensation)

The Workers Compensation scheme in Queensland provides statutory no-fault financial aid for various injuries at work and a following opportunity to access fault-based common law damages. Here’s a glimpse at what median statutory no-fault benefits looked like in 2021-2022:

  • Fractures: $39,952

  • Hand wounds: $11,500

  • Other open wounds: $19,696

  • Bruises: $19,132

  • Foreign objects in the body: $10,985 

  • Burns: $17,040

  • Back strains/sprains: $17,487

  • Shoulder strains/sprains: $38,211

  • Back-related musculoskeletal issues: $26,895

  • Other musculoskeletal issues: $29,070

  • Strain and sprain (other): $20,820

  • Psychological and psychiatric injuries: $61,047

  • Other injuries and diseases (including deafness and mesothelioma): $35,397

Beyond a worker’s entitlement to no-fault statutory compensation benefits for a workplace injury, the worker may have a basis for establishing a fault-based claim against their employer for negligence and a resulting entitlement to common law compensatory damages.

A workers compensation personal injury compensation payouts can include payments for pain and suffering, past and future out of pocket expenses (such as medical and pharmaceutical costs), past and future economic loss and loss of earning capacity, and lost superannuation (with limited opportunity for reimbursement of past and future paid care and assistance).

A claim for fault-based employer negligence will depend on the individual circumstances in each case; and you should consult with a workers compensation lawyer to assist in determination of whether you have a viable claim and the path to satisfy the statutory pre-conditions for proceeding with such a claim.

Public Liability

A public liability personal injury compensation claim for injury in a publicly accessible place (footpath, park, shopping centre, public building, art gallery, apartment complex) can include payments for pain and suffering, past and future out of pocket expenses (such as medical and pharmaceutical costs), past and future economic loss and loss of earning capacity, lost superannuation and past and future unpaid and paid care and assistance (if it meets the threshold).

It’s important to remember, each case is unique. The severity of your injury, the impact on your life, and the specific details of the accident all play a role in determining your compensation. There’s no one-size-fits-all answer, but a lawyer can help estimate the damages you might be entitled to.

Medical Negligence

If medical care in Queensland left you with new injuries or worsened your condition, you may be eligible to file a medical negligence claim and recover compensation for the additional harm caused.

Product Liability

Were you injured by a defective product purchased in Queensland? Product liability claims can be pursued against the manufacturer, distributor, or retailer of the faulty product to help you recover compensation damages for pain and suffering, past and future medical and out of pocket expenses, past and future care, past and future economic loss and lost superannuation.

Unsure About Your Case?

While this list of compensation payouts offers an overview of potential compensation claims, every injury case is unique. To ensure you explore the best options and maximise your compensation, consult a qualified personal injury lawyer.

Challenges You Might Face and Why a Lawyer Can Help

The path to fair compensation recovery isn’t always smooth sailing. Here are some common hurdles you might encounter:

1. Insurance Company Tactics: Insurance companies understandably seek to decline your claim, deny or apportion liability or otherwise minimise the value of your claim. They may:

    1. Deny that the accident occurred (where the matter was not contemporaneously reported to police or where the at-fault vehicle is unidentified).

    2. Deny liability on behalf of their insured driver (thereby denying liability for immediate payment of or contribution towards rehabilitation costs).

    3. Apportion liability in their favour.

    4. Rely on statutory time frames for action and responses that frustrate claimants who wish to resolve their claims quickly in order to get on with their lives.

    5. Rely on technicalities in the legislation to require claimants to address additional and often unnecessary hurdles to claim finalisation.

    6. Require independent medical evaluation by their preferred medical specialists rather than accepting the claimant’s medical evidence; and only do so after receipt of all the claimant’s evidence.

    7. Request provision of additional material to which they are not technically entitled as a precondition to progressing the claim.

    8. Make unrealistic and unreasonably low offers of settlement on the basis that a desperate or fearful claimant may accept the offer without obtaining legal advice or contrary to such advice.

    9. Engage in a communication style which intimidates claimants, especially where they are unrepresented.

Experienced compensation lawyers are used to these tactics and have developed strategies to negative or respond to these tactics and to otherwise address any inexperienced claimant fears or misgivings.

2. Lack of Evidence: A strong compensation case hinges on solid evidence, such as medical records, police reports, witness statements, and accident scene photos.  Gathering and preserving this evidence is crucial, and an experienced compensation lawyer can guide you through this process.

3. Shared Fault: Sometimes, both you and the other party may share some responsibility for the accident. This can complicate your claim and potentially reduce the amount of compensation you receive. Understanding the legal concept of comparative negligence is important, and an experienced compensation lawyer can advise you on how it might apply to your specific case.

4. Time Limits: Each state has a statute of limitations, a deadline by which you must file your personal injury claim. Missing this deadline can significantly weaken your case or even bar you from seeking compensation altogether. In Queensland, the limitation period is three years after the date of the accident or the claimant’s 18th birthday, whichever is the later. Remember, there are also statutory pre-litigation processes and requirements, which need to be satisfied or addressed within that limitation period. An experienced compensation lawyer knows the various avenues by which this limitation period can be protected in order to preserve and protect your claim.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are compensation payouts?
Compensation payouts refer to financial awards given to individuals because of legal claims, insurance settlements, job issues, or other situations where they were hurt or lost something.

These can include, but are not limited to, personal injury claims, wrongful termination, workers’ compensation, and disability benefits.

Who is eligible for compensation payouts?
It depends on your specific situation. Generally, if you can show you were harmed due to someone else’s fault (like negligence), you might be eligible. However, the exact rules vary depending on the situation, so it’s best to contact a lawyer to see if your case fits the bill.

Where an accident affects a third party to a degree beyond the normal shock and grief and certain technical legal requirements for “proximity” are satisfied, then the third party may be able to make a claim. This might be in circumstances where a relative has witnessed or heard about a traumatic death of a family member in a distressing manner. This is a very technical legal area – so please consult a personal injuries lawyer to ascertain whether the circumstances give any entitlement to compensation. If a worker has been killed in a work accident covered by the workers compensation legislation, certain family members may be entitled to statutory lump sum death benefits, similar to a TPD benefit. Again, there are certain technical proof requirements to such claims; and it is recommended that you consult with a workers compensation lawyer to ascertain whether you qualify for any such benefit.

How are compensation amounts determined?
The amount of compensation awarded in a payout can vary significantly based on factors such as the severity of harm or loss, the impact on the individual’s life, lost wages, medical expenses, and the legal framework governing the specific type of claim.

In many cases, settlements are negotiated between the parties involved, while in others, the amount may be determined by a court or a tribunal.

How long does it take to receive a compensation payout?
The time frame for receiving a compensation payout can vary widely depending on the complexity of the case, the legal process involved, and whether the payout is the result of a negotiated settlement or a court judgment.

Some cases may be resolved and payouts received within a few months, while others can take several years to conclude.

Are compensation payouts taxable?
The taxability of compensation payouts depends on the nature of the settlement and the jurisdiction in which the recipient resides.

In some cases, such as personal injury settlements, the payout may be tax-exempt. However, other cases, like employment dispute settlements that include back pay, may be subject to taxation.

It is advisable to consult with a tax professional to understand the tax implications of any compensation received.

Do I need a lawyer to claim a compensation payout?

While you have the right to pursue a compensation claim on your own, the legal process can be intricate and stressful. Here’s how a lawyer can significantly benefit your case:

  • Streamlining the Process: Lawyers are well-versed in the law and can handle the complexities of claims, freeing you to focus on recovery.
  • Evidence Gathering: Compensation lawyers have connections with independent medical experts who are prepared to provide specialist reports to insurers and the courts to support your claim. Further, lawyers have access to arrangements for upfront or deferred payment of the substantial cost of obtaining independent expert medical reports and other records from medical providers and government agencies.
  • Negotiation Skills: Negotiating with insurers can be challenging. A self-represented claimant will find themselves facing a plethora of submissions of what is fair and reasonable compensation for their injuries without any clear and reliable reference point to assess the truth or reasonableness of them. Insurers act in their own interests and are not obliged to offer claimants what their claims are truly worth. A lawyer’s experience and negotiation skills can help secure a fairer settlement that better reflects the full extent of your entitlement to compensation.
  • Court Representation: If your claim goes to court, a lawyer is better placed to comply with court rules and requirements to best present your evidence and case to the court.
  • Peace of Mind: Having a qualified professional handle your case can alleviate the burden and stress associated with navigating the legal system after an accident. If you self-represent and accept the insurer’s “best and last offer” of compensation, you will always be left wondering whether you have received your true and full entitlement to compensation. Indeed, there are many cases where self-represented claimants try to claim more (but can’t) because they accepted too low an offer from the insurer.

CTP 보험이란?

CTP 보험은 Compulsory Third Party Insurance의 줄임말로, 차량을 등록할 때 의무적으로

가입해야 하는 대인 보험입니다. 이 보험은 자동차 사고로 인한 상대방의 부상과 사망을 포함한

신체적 또는 정신적 손상에 대한 보상을 제공합니다. 이는 피해자의 의료 비용, 장애 보상,

경제적 손실 등을 포함하여 특정 법률에 정의된 범위 내에서 금전적 보상을 받을 수 있도록

돕습니다. 만약 차량 등록이 되어 있지 않은 차량과 사고가 발생한다면, 정부 기관인 Nominal

Defendant를 통해 해당 보상을 받을 수 있습니다.

CTP 보험의 보장 범위

CTP 보험은 사고로 인한 부상에 대한 의료 비용, 경제적 손실, 간병비 등을 보상합니다. 이는

피해자의 의료 치료 및 재활 프로그램, 후유 장애로 인한 미래 치료 비용, 노동력 상실 또는

저하로 인한 경제적 손실, 간병비 등을 포함합니다. 그러나 CTP 보험은 사고로 인해 손상된

자동차, 차량 또는 재산에 대한 손해를 보장하지 않습니다.

퀸즈랜드에서 CTP 보상 청구는 어떻게 이루어지나요?

보상 청구는 자동차 사고 보험 위원회 CTP 보상 포털을 통하거나 보험사에 직접 청구할 수

있습니다. 그러나 최종 보상에 큰 영향을 줄 수 있는 작은 실수를 피하기 위해 경험이 풍부한

상해 변호사의 도움을 받는 것이 중요합니다.

CTP 보상 청구는 퀸즈랜드의 자동차 사고 보험법(1994년)에 의해 규제됩니다. 청구를 시작하면

사고 정황, 피해자와 가해자의 정보가 있는 클레임 폼을 제출하게 되며, 피해자는 보험사가

책임을 인정하는 경우 CTP 청구 과정에서 발생하는 치료비와 재활비를 보험사에게 지원받을

수 있습니다. 부상이 안정되고 정착되었을 때, 법정 전문의를 통해 개인상해의 후유증도를

평가받게 됩니다.

전문의 진단을 받은 후 강제 회의가 열리게 되며, 회의에서는 보험사측과 합의 제안을 교환하게


Workplace accidents can happen to anyone, no matter how careful you are. It’s crucial to know your rights and the support available to you. In this article, we’ll cover:

  • Your rights and responsibilities as an injured employee.
  • The compensation process, including important steps and potential challenges.
  • Resources to help you during this difficult time

What Injured Workers Can Expect from Workers Compensation

Under the Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (Qld), employees are entitled, on a no fault basis, to statutory compensation in the immediate aftermath (within six months of work injury) in the form of periodic compensation (to cover lost income), coverage of treatment, rehabilitation, medication and other associated costs and reimbursement of associated out of pocket expenses.

Key Elements in Claims for Workplace Accidents

Here are some key elements to consider in claims for workplace accidents in Queensland:

  1. Duty of Care: Your employer is responsible for keeping your workplace safe, which means proper training, safe equipment, and a heads-up about any risks.
  2. Breach of Duty: If your employer didn’t meet these safety standards and that led to your accident, that’s a breach of their duty of care.
  3. Causation: It’s crucial to show that this lack of safety directly caused your injuries.
  4. Damages: Whether it’s financial losses like lost wages and medical bills, or the pain and discomfort you’ve endured, these are the damages you’ve faced due to the accident.

Other Important Things to Keep in Mind (Queensland Workplace Injuries)

Time Limits

In Queensland, you typically have six months from the date of your work accident to file a claim for statutory workers compensation benefits, according to Section 131 of the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003. However, this can vary in certain situations, so it is wise to speak with a workers compensation lawyer for personalised guidance.

If you qualify beyond statutory benefits to bring a workers compensation common law claim for damages for personal injury resulting from the negligence of your employer, there is a three-year limitation period within which to comply with legislated pre-litigation requirements and to commence legal proceedings in a Queensland court. This three year period runs from the date you sustained injury or your 18th birthday, whichever is the later. There are additional considerations where your injury has accrued over time – such as a repetitive strain injury or psychological injury from bullying and harassment. Again, it is wise to consult a workers compensation lawyer to ascertain what the limitation period is for your workplace injury.

Pre-existing and Unrelated Medical Conditions

Your claim evaluation may consider any health issues you had before or since the workplace incident which are not related to the incident but affect the value of your claim by having a relevant and independent effect on your past and future health and ability to earn income.

For instance, if a pre-existing back problem was exacerbated by the accident at work or if you had a cancer diagnosis, these health matters could be taken into account in assessing your compensation.

Contributory Negligence

This aspect comes into play if your actions contributed to the accident or the severity of your injury. For example, if you didn’t follow safety instructions or used equipment contrary to operating instructions and was injured as a result, this would amount to contributory negligence. It means that the compensation you would otherwise be entitled to could be adjusted to reflect your share of responsibility in the incident. This can have a significant impact on your in-the-hand compensation, as any statutory refunds that must come out of your compensation are not reduced for any contributory negligence – the full refund comes out of your reduced compensation.

Do I need Legal Advice?

In Queensland, you typically have six months from the date of your work accident to file a statutory benefits claim; and three years (from date of injury or your 18th birthday) to have satisfied pre-litigation claim processes and commenced legal proceedings in order to receive common law damages compensation. However, this can vary in certain situations. It’s wise to speak with a worker’s compensation claim lawyer for personalised guidance.


Types of Work Accident Claims

In Queensland, you typically have six months from the date of your work accident to file a statutory benefits claim and three years to have satisfied pre-litigation claim processes and commenced legal proceedings in order to receive common law damages compensation. However, this can vary in certain situations. It’s wise to speak with a worker’s compensation claim lawyer for personalised guidance.

1. WorkCover Statutory Claims

WorkCover statutory claims in Queensland offer crucial support without placing blame for workplace accidents. These claims provide immediate help covering medical costs, rehabilitation, and lost earnings during recovery.

The best part? You don’t need to prove fault or negligence by your employer or anyone else, making it easier to get the assistance you need quickly.

If you’ve been injured at work, whether it was your fault, a colleague’s, or due to workplace conditions, you’re eligible to make a WorkCover statutory claim. This includes physical and mental injuries, as well as conditions from excessive workload or repetitive tasks.

Workers’ compensation statutory benefits are, unfortunately, not open-ended. Your statutory benefits will end in a variety or ways:

  1. You recover enough to return to work without the need for further treatment or support;
  2. You do not fully recover, but your work injuries stabilise to the extent that they are regarded as “stable and stationary”, at which time your work injury is assessed and you are provided with a Notice of Assessment noting your Degree of Permanent Impairment and your statutory claim is ended with the offer of a statutory lump sum (which represents an amount for pain and suffering only).
  3. Your work injuries do not reach a stable and stationary state, but you reach the statutory maximum amount of compensation benefits.

NOTE:  In most cases (unless your work injury exceeds a threshold of severity) the acceptance of the lump sum amount offered in a Notice of Assessment will preclude you from pursuing a common law damages claim for personal injury. It is extremely important that you obtain legal advice as to whether or not you should accept, defer or reject a lump sum offer in a Notice of Assessment within the Notice’s time limit.

2. Common Law Claims

Unlike workers compensation statutory benefits/ claims, common law damages claims for personal injury are fault-based – and require you to demonstrate that your employer was negligent and substantially caused or contributed to your work injury.  

Common law damages claims are usually sought for more serious injuries and can result in substantial compensation. These claims take into account both short and long-term effects like past and future economic loss and loss of employment opportunity, future medical and surgical expenses and foregone superannuation.

Please also note that there is a strict limitation period (with very limited exceptions) for the bringing of a common law damages claim against an employer for negligence. In basic terms, the limitation period is three years from the date of the workplace incident causing injury or the worker’s 18th birthday, whichever is the latter. There are some additional complications:
– that measurement of the three-year period may vary where the injury results from repeated conduct or work requirements over a period of time; and
– the workers compensation legislation requires completion of a number of pre-litigation steps prior to a worker being able to commence legal proceedings in a suitable Queensland court to protect the limitation period.

As a result of these unavoidable technicalities, it is recommended that injured workers seek legal advice on the legal requirements applicable to their situation, including what the limitation date is for their particular circumstances.

Choosing Between a Statutory Lump Sum and a Common Law Damages Claim

As noted above, a statutory lump sum offer will be made at the conclusion of a workers’ compensation statutory claim once the injured worker’s work injury is stable and stationary and has been assessed. This lump sum is fixed by statute and represents an amount reflecting pain and suffering for the injury only. It is, however, a no-fault payment, so it is offered whether or not the injured worker caused the incident and their injury. Finally, in most cases, acceptance of a statutory lump sum offer will preclude the injured worker from making a common law damages claim for additional compensation.

Common law damages claims seek to compensate the injured worker, to the extent that money is able, and put them in the position they would have been but for the work injury occurring. As a result, a common law damages claim seeks compensation for a range of types of damages including pain and suffering, past and future economic loss and loss of employment opportunity, past and future superannuation, and past and future medical and associated costs (as the main components). Such claims will invariably exceed the amount of the statutory lump sum made for the same injury. Common law damages are, however, fault based (see the commentary above).

In light of the above, it is strongly recommended that an injured worker seeks legal advice from a workers compensation lawyer to determine whether they are better off accepting a lower statutory lump sum without having to prove negligence against the employer and (generally) foregoing any common law damages claim OR are better off rejecting the no fault lump sum to proceed with a common law damages claim for negligence against the employer OR have an injury of sufficient severity to be able to accept the lump sum AND make a common law claim.

Types of Compensation You Can Claim for Work Accidents

General Damages

These are awarded for non-economic losses in a common law claim. General damages cover intangible losses such as pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and the impact on the individual’s daily activities, social life, and overall quality of life. The assessment of general damages is highly regulated by legislation and requires the worker’s physical and/ or psychiatric injuries to be assessed and allocated an Injury Scale Value, which attracts a set amount of compensation by regulation.

Special Damages

These include measurable costs like medical bills, rehabilitation expenses, and other out-of-pocket expenses. Much of these expenses will be paid or reimbursed by the workers’ compensation insurer until the end of the statutory compensation claim. Once the statutory claim is concluded, the worker must keep records of all out-of-pocket expenses for medical expenses, pharmaceuticals, medical aids and injury-related expenses and also obtain corroborating evidence (generally medical evidence) justifying the expense and convincing the insurer (or ultimately the court) that the amounts should be reimbursed as part or a successful common law claim.

Economic Loss

This encapsulates past (i.e. from date of accident/ injury to date of settlement/ judgment) and future loss (from date of settlement/ judgment to anticipated retirement date). Past loss may be calculated as the difference between what the worker would have earned but for the accident/ injury and what they have actually earned. Future loss may be calculated by the anticipated difference between what the worker would have earned in the future and what they will now likely earn due to the injuries. These assessments might also incorporate some kind of assessment of the worker’s loss of opportunity for promotion, career development or diversification due to their injuries.

Ancillary losses

Superannuation in respect of past and future economic loss.

What Kinds of Workplace Accidents Does Workers Compensation Cover?

  • On the Job: Includes accidents that occur during regular work hours.

  • Travel-Related: Accidents happening while travelling to or from work.

  • Work-Related Activities: Injuries sustained during business activities or events.


Workers' Compensation Claim Process

Here is a general overview -additional information is provided on our other news pages.

1. Report the incident to your employer immediately.

2. Medical treatment and a Workers Compensation Medical Certificate.

3. Lodge a workers’ compensation statutory claim with the relevant workers’ compensation insurer within the stipulated time frames to secure the type of statutory compensation required.

4. Engage in a review process with the Workers’ Compensation Regulator should there be a claim rejection or any other insurer decision you do not agree with.

5. Comply with insurer requirements for contact, information and attendance at medical and rehabilitation appointments.

6. Maintain thorough records of all insurer interactions and attendances.

7. Seek an assessment of work-related permanent impairment at the conclusion of your workers’ compensation statutory claim.

8. Seek legal advice as to whether you should accept the lump sum offer contained in the issued Notice of Assessment or to proceed with a common law damages claim against your employer.

9. If pursuing a common law damages claim, prepare and lodge with the employer and the insurer a Notice of Claim for Damages in the prescribed form within the statutory time limit.

10. Complete the legislated pre-litigation procedural steps with the insurer.

11. If the pre-litigation steps are completed without settlement, commence legal proceedings in the relevant Queensland court within the statutory limitation period.

Workers’ compensation is a very technical and legislatively managed process. Innocent errors, omissions, misunderstandings and lack of precision and attention to detail can all prejudice acceptance or the scope and duration of a workers’ compensation statutory claim. Rejections or adverse decisions can only be addressed and potentially rectified through lengthy review and appeal processes. These complexities can be difficult for even the most sophisticated of claimants. Working with a workers’ compensation lawyer, who has experience and expertise navigating the numerous technicalities and nuances of the legislation, processes and “quirks” of the applicable insurer can result in the worker obtaining a better outcome than they would have otherwise secured on their own initiative.

Advantages of Consulting with a Workers' Compensation Lawyer

For complex claims or disagreements, legal expertise is invaluable. Lawyers with specialisation in work-related injuries, such as construction accident lawyers, ensure your claim is filed correctly, deadlines are met, and you receive proper representation throughout the process, including appeals.

Frequently Asked Questions

What common mistakes should I avoid when filing a work accident claim?

Don’t wait too long to report the accident. Get medical help and follow the treatment plan. Be consistent and provide all details. Don’t settle too quickly or without legal help.

How long do I have to make a QLD WorkCover Accident Claim?

Report your injury as soon as possible. Depending on when your report and associated claim is lodged, you may not be entitled to many of the normal workers compensation benefits and those that are provided are limited to prospective benefits (i.e. no reimbursements for past losses or expenses). Applications for statutory benefits outside of six months need to be carefully considered as to whether reasonable excuse for delay can be provided (or other evidence of legislated exclusions can be provided); or else limit the claim to assessment of permanent impairment. Once a Notice of Assessment is received (and if the statutory lump sum is not accepted, if below the injury threshold) a common law claim for damages for negligence can be pursued by lodgment of the prescribed Notice of Claim for Damages within three years of the work accident/ injury or the worker’s 18th birthday (whichever is later). Note: There is an overall three-year limitation period (three years of the accident or the worker’s 18th birthday) to commence legal proceedings in protection of the worker’s compensation rights. Proceedings cannot be commenced without obtaining a Notice of Assessment and completing aspects of the pre-litigation process under the legislation. It is highly recommended that injured workers contact a workers compensation lawyer to ascertain what time limits and restrictions might apply to their workers’ compensation statutory and common law entitlements.

How can I gather evidence to strengthen my work accident claim?

Collect witness names, contact details and statements (even just letters rather than statutory declarations), take accident scene and injury photos, obtain medical records for injury treatment, obtain work records of relevant information, including workplace policies and procedures, relevant machinery operating manuals and service records, WHS and toolbox meeting records, and maintain records of injury-related expenses.

OSHC (Overseas Student Health Cover) หรือ ประกันสุขภาพสำหรับนักเรียนต่างชาติ ซึ่งเป็นสิ่งที่นักเรียนต่างชาติที่มาเรียนที่ออสเตรเลียควรมี โดยมีการครอบคลุมค่าใช้จ่ายดังต่อไปนี้ ได้แก่: 

  • ค่ารักษาพยาบาลนอกโรงพยาบาล (Out of Hospital medical treatment ) 
  • ค่ารักษาพยาบาลภายในโรงพยาบาล (In hospital medical treatment) 
  • ค่ายาตามใบสั่งจากแพทย์ (Prescription Medicines) 
  • ค่ารถพยาบาลฉุกเฉิน (Emergency Ambulance Assistance) 

ในขณะที่ CTP (Compulsory Third Party) หรือ ประกันภัยบุคคลที่สามภาคบังคับสำหรับผู้ที่มีรถยนต์ในออสเตรเลีย โดยกรรมธรรม์ประกันจะแตกต่างกันไปในแต่ละรัฐ ซึ่งโดยทั่วไปครอบคลุมความผิดของคุณหรือใครก็ตามที่ขับรถของคุณโดยได้รับอนุญาตจากคุณแล้วก่อให้เกิดอุบัติเหตุตามมา ทั้งสำหรับการบาดเจ็บที่เกิดกับผู้โดยสารและผู้ใช้ถนนรายอื่นในอุบัติเหตุทางรถยนต์ ซึ่งเราสามารถขอเคลมในรายการ ตามตัวอย่างดังต่อไปนี้ ได้แก่: 

  • ค่าใช้จ่ายในโรงพยาบาลและค่ารักษาพยาบาล (Hospital and medical expenses) 
  • ค่าใช้จ่ายในการรักษาฟื้นฟูร่างกาย แพทย์เฉพาะทาง นักกายภาพบำบัด ฯลฯ (Rehabilitation expenses (specialist doctors, physiotherapy, etc)) 
  • ความเจ็บปวดและทรมานจากอุบัติเหตุ (Pain and suffering ) 
  • การสูญเสียรายได้ (Loss of earnings) 
  • การสูญเสียความสุขในการใช้ชีวิต (Loss of enjoyment of life) 

เราหวังเป็นอย่างยิ่งว่าบทความนี้จะพอเป็นข้อมูลเบื้องต้น และเป็นประโยชน์สำหรับเพื่อน ๆ หรือท่านใดที่อาจจะประสบอุบัติเหตุ และยังไม่ทราบถึงสิทธิ์ในการเรียกร้องขอค่าชดเชยได้ หากมีข้อสงสัย และคำถาม สามารถติดต่อสอบถามข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมได้ทาง

Email: Walun@rinkimlaw.com.au

หรือติดต่อได้ที่เบอร์โทรศัพท์ 0478 770 556  

(คุณอ๋อง วลัญช์ อภิรัตน์เกษม) 

หากคุณอาศัยและทำงานในรัฐควีนส์แลนด์ และได้รับบาดเจ็บจากการทำงาน คุณสามารถเรียกร้องค่าชดเชยผ่าน Work Cover Queensland ได้ตามกฎหมาย Workers Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (รัฐควีนส์แลนด์)

Work Cover เป็นโครงการเงินชดเชยคนงานของรัฐควีนส์แลนด์ที่ให้สวัสดิการและค่าชดเชยแก่ผู้ที่ได้รับบาดเจ็บจากอุบัติเหตุในที่ทำงาน ให้คนงานมีสิทธิ์ได้รับค่าชดเชยตามกฎหมาย หากได้รับการพิจารณาว่าเป็น ‘คนงานหรือลูกจ้าง’ และได้รับบาดเจ็บที่เกิดขึ้นจากการทำงาน หรือในระหว่างการจ้างงาน หากคุณได้รับบาดเจ็บ หรืองานที่ทำอยู่ทำให้อาการบาดเจ็บรุนแรงมากขึ้น หรือสุขภาพได้รับผลกระทบจากสถานที่ทำงาน คุณอาจมีสิทธิ์ได้รับค่าชดเชยจาก Work Cover คนงานที่ได้รับบาดเจ็บจะต้องรายงานการบาดเจ็บต่อนายจ้าง และกรอกแบบฟอร์มเพื่อเรียกร้องค่าชดเชย โดยต้องให้แพทย์ยืนยันในใบรับรองแพทย์เพื่อแจ้งต่อ Work Cover

ผลประโยชน์หรือค่าชดเชยจากการบาดเจ็บที่คนงานจะได้รับผ่าน Work Cover ได้แก่ ค่าจ้างรายสัปดาห์ ค่ารักษาพยาบาล เงินก้อน (แล้วแต่กรณี) และค่าเดินทางสำหรับการนัดหมายทางการแพทย์


ตามหลักกฎหมายคนงานทุกคนมีสิทธิ์ตามกฎหมายในการรับค่าชดเชย หากนายจ้างเพิกเฉย ไม่ให้การดูแล หรือในกรณีที่นายจ้างหรือบุคคลอื่นไม่ปฏิบัติตามข้อพันธะทางกฎหมาย ลูกจ้างสามารถดำเนินคดีทางกฎหมายได้

สำหรับนายจ้างเองจะต้องมีประกันสำหรับการจ่ายค่าชดเชยให้กับลูกจ้างในที่ทำงานของตน ซึ่งแบบประกันนี้จะครอบคลุม:

• พนักงานชั่วคราวและพนักงานประจำ

• พนักงานประจำและนอกเวลา

• พนักงานผู้ประกอบอาชีพอิสระ

• คนที่ถือว่าเป็นแรงงาน

ประเภทการบาดเจ็บที่ครอบคลุม ได้แก่:

• การบาดเจ็บในที่ทำงาน อันเป็นผลจากการทำงานหรือระหว่างกิจกรรมการทำงาน

• โรคที่เกิดจากการทำงาน

• ภาวะหรือโรคที่มีอยู่แล้วแต่เกิดความรุนแรงขึ้นจากการทำงาน

• การบาดเจ็บระหว่างเดินทางไปทำงาน

• การบาดเจ็บที่ได้รับขณะรับการรักษาทางการแพทย์ และการบาดเจ็บจากการทำงาน

• การบาดเจ็บทางจิตใจและความเครียด

หากท่านสามารถพิสูจน์ได้ว่า ท่านเป็นผู้ได้รับบาดเจ็บอันเป็นผลมาจากการทำงาน ท่านมีสิทธิ์ได้รับค่าชดเชยสำหรับ:

• ค่าเสียหายตามกฎหมายทั่วไป

• ค่ารักษาพยาบาล

• ค่าชดเชยสำหรับการสูญเสียค่าจ้าง

• ค่าใช้จ่ายในการฟื้นฟูสมรรถภาพร่างกาย


ในการเรียกร้องสิทธิ์ขอรับค่าชดเชยจาก Work Cover ท่านต้องแจ้งให้นายจ้างทราบถึงการบาดเจ็บโดยเร็วที่สุด การเรียกร้องค่าชดเชยตามกฎหมายทั่วไป จะมีผลก็ต่อเมื่อท่านยื่นคำร้องภายใน 6 เดือนหลังจากได้รับบาดเจ็บจากที่ทำงานและพบว่าท่านมีสิทธิ์ยื่นคำร้องขอค่าชดเชย

คนงานที่ได้รับบาดเจ็บในรัฐควีนส์แลนด์ จะมีเวลา 3 ปีนับจากวันที่ได้รับบาดเจ็บ ในการเริ่มดำเนินการทางกฎหมายได้สิ่งที่เราอยากแนะนำก็คือ เมื่อคุณได้รับบาดเจ็บจากที่ทำงาน สิ่งที่ควรทำโดยด่วนที่สุดคือการไปพบแพทย์และยื่นคำร้องขอค่าชดเชยภายใน 6 เดือน

หากคุณมีข้อสงสัย สามารถติดต่อสอบถามเพิ่มเติมได้ที่

Email: Walun@rinkimlaw.com.au

หรือโทรติดต่อ โทรศัพท์ 0478 770 556

(คุณอ๋อง วลัญช์ อภิรัตน์เกษม)

Total and Permanent Disability หรือ TPD คือการประกันภัย “ทุพพลภาพถาวรสิ้นเชิง” เป็นประกันภัยที่ช่วยให้คุณสามารถเรียกร้องค่าชดเชยได้หากคุณมีอาการเจ็บป่วยหรือได้รับการบาดเจ็บและไม่สามารถกลับไปทำงานได้ตามปกติ สิ่งที่หลาย ๆ คนอาจไม่ทราบก็คือ ค่าชดเชยที่คุณอาจจะได้รับนั้นขึ้นอยู่กับคำนิยามของ TPD ในกรมธรรม์ประกันภัยของคุณ อย่างไรก็ตามคุณอาจสามารถประสบความสำเร็จในการเรียกร้องค่าชดเชยจาก TPD ได้ แม้ว่าคุณจะยังมีความสามารถในการทำงานได้อยู่บ้าง เพียงแต่คุณไม่สามารถกลับไปทำงานอาชีพเดิมได้อีกต่อไป การได้รับผลประโยชน์จาก TPD นั้นจะเป็นส่วนสำคัญในการประกันความเป็นอยู่ที่ดีทางการเงินของคุณ ซึ่งทางเราจะให้ข้อมูลที่เป็นประโยชน์เกี่ยวกับคำนิยามหลักของ TPD ว่ามีอะไรบ้าง เพื่อให้ทุกคนได้เข้าใจในเบื้องต้นว่า TPD จริง ๆ แล้วคืออะไร

หากการเรียกร้องค่าชดเชยจาก TPD ของฉันได้รับการอนุมัติแล้ว ฉันจะยังสามารถทำงานได้อีกไหม

กรมธรรม์ประกันภัยของ TPD นั้นมีความแตกต่างกัน โดยมาจากวิธีการกำหนดความหมายของคำว่า“ความทุพพลภาพถาวรสิ้นเชิง” และข้อจำกัดที่คุณมีในแง่ของการทำงานหลังจากที่การเรียกร้องค่าชดเชยของคุณได้รับการอนุมัติแล้ว อย่างไรก็ตาม โดยปกติแล้ว “TPD” ถูกกำหนดให้หมายความว่า :

  • คุณต้องไม่สามารถทำงานอีก โดยเป็นงานที่ได้มาจากวุฒิการศึกษา การฝึกอบรม และประสบการณ์ของคุณ
  • คุณต้องไม่สามารถทำงานอีกในอาชีพปกติ หรืออาชีพที่คุณทำอยู่
  • คุณต้องไม่สามารถทำกิจกรรมในชีวิตประจำวันได้เหมือนเดิม
  • คุณต้องมีความพิการ

กรมธรรม์ประกันบางบริษัทใช้ “คำนิยาม” ข้างต้นเพียงข้อเดียว ขณะที่บางกรมธรรม์ประกันต้องใช้นิยาม 2 ข้อขึ้นไป ซึ่งรายละเอียดของกรมธรรม์ประกันของคุณนั้นจะต้องได้รับการตรวจสอบอย่างละเอียดถี่ถ้วน อย่างไรก็ตามก็เป็นไปได้ที่จะประสบความสำเร็จในการทำการเรียกร้องค่าชดเชยจาก TPD โดยไม่จำเป็นต้องหยุดการทำงานทุกประเภท เราเข้าใจดีว่าการมีทางเลือกในการทำงานได้ในระดับหนึ่งนั้นไม่ใช่แค่ช่วยให้คุณได้รับประโยชน์แค่ทางการเงิน แต่ยังรวมถึงสังคม สุขภาพกาย และสุขภาพจิตอีกด้วย

คำนิยามของ TPD ที่อ้างอิงจากกองทุนเงินบำนาญ

คำจำกัดความ TPD จากการอ้างอิงกองทุนเงินบำนาญส่วนใหญ่มีความคล้ายคลึงกัน ซึ่งเกี่ยวข้องกับความสามารถในการทำงานของคุณโดยตรง โดยคุณจะต้องหยุดงานเนื่องจากการเจ็บป่วยหรืออาการบาดเจ็บ เป็นระยะเวลา 3 เดือนหรือ 6 เดือน และเมื่อสิ้นสุดระยะเวลา 3 เดือน หรือ 6 เดือนนั้น คุณไม่สามารถกลับไปทำงานในอาชีพใด ๆ ที่เหมาะสมกับการศึกษา การฝึกอบรม หรือการฝึกประสบการณ์ของคุณได้

คำนิยามของ TPD มีข้อกำหนดที่แตกต่างกันมากและจ่ายผลประโยชน์ด้วยวิธีที่แตกต่างกันอย่างมากด้วยเช่นกัน


คุณอาจมีกรมธรรม์ประกัน TPD ที่นอกเหนือจากเงินบำนาญของคุณ ซึ่งอาจมีคำนิยามที่มีที่มาจาก “อาชีพของตัวคุณเอง” ซึ่งคำนิยามเหล่านั้นจะหมายความว่าให้คุณหยุดงาน และไม่สามารถกลับไปประกอบอาชีพของคุณได้ถาวร

กองทุนอื่น ๆ ก็มีการจัดการประกัน TPD เช่นกัน สำหรับบางท่านจะมีการจ่ายเป็นเปอร์เซ็นต์ของผลประโยชน์ที่เกี่ยวข้อง โดยหากคุณปฏิบัติตามข้อกำหนด TPD และหากได้รับผลประโยชน์เต็มจำนวน คุณต้องแสดงให้เห็นว่าคุณไม่สามารถทำกิจวัตรประจำวันหรือการทำงานได้

จากข้างต้นคำนิยามของ TPD ที่กรมธรรม์ประกันของคุณใช้อาจส่งผลต่อความสามารถในการเรียกร้องค่าชดเชยที่ประสบความสำเร็จ หากคุณกำลังคิดที่จะเรียกร้องค่าชดเชยจาก TPD คุณควรได้รับคำแนะนำทางกฎหมายจากผู้เชี่ยวชาญโดยเร็วที่สุด เพื่อที่คุณจะได้เข้าใจตัวเลือกทั้งหมดของคุณ

หากมีข้อสงสัย สามารถส่งคำถามเพิ่มเติมมาได้ทาง

Email: Walun@rinkimlaw.com.au

หรือติดต่อได้ที่เบอร์โทรศัพท์ 0478 770 556

(คุณอ๋อง วลัญช์ อภิรัตน์เกษม)

ไม่ว่าคุณจะขับรถในใจกลางเมืองบริสเบนหรือพื้นที่ห่างไกลของรัฐควีนส์แลนด์ ก็มีโอกาสเกิดความผิดพลาดบนท้องถนนได้เสมอ อุบัติเหตุอาจเกิดขึ้นเพียงเล็กน้อยและไม่ได้รับความเสียหายมากนัก แต่ในบางครั้งอุบัติเหตุร้ายแรงก็เกิดขึ้น ซึ่งน่าเสียใจที่อาจส่งผลทำให้เกิดการบาดเจ็บร้ายแรงไปจนถึงทำให้เกิดการเสียชีวิตได้ และนั่นคือที่มาของการประกันภัยภาคบังคับของบุคคลที่สาม หรือ Compulsory Third Party – CTP ซึ่งได้รับการออกแบบมาเพื่อปกป้องผู้ขับขี่จากค่าใช้จ่ายจำนวนมากที่อาจเกิดขึ้นจากความผิดเมื่อเกิดอุบัติเหตุบนท้องถนนที่ก่อให้เกิดการบาดเจ็บหรือเสียชีวิต ซึ่งในออสเตรเลียกรมธรรม์ของประกันจะแตกต่างกันไปในแต่ละรัฐ

ประกันภัย CTP สำหรับรัฐควีนส์แลนด์ คืออะไร?

ประกันภัยภาคบังคับของบุคคลที่สาม (Compulsory Third Party – CTP) เป็นนโยบายบังคับที่โดยทั่วไปครอบคลุมความผิดของคุณหรือใครก็ตามที่ขับรถของคุณโดยได้รับอนุญาตจากคุณแล้วก่อให้เกิดอุบัติเหตุตามมา ทั้งสำหรับการบาดเจ็บที่เกิดกับผู้โดยสารและผู้ใช้ถนนรายอื่นในอุบัติเหตุทางรถยนต์

ประกันภัย CTP สำหรับรัฐควีนส์แลนด์ คุ้มครองอะไรบ้าง?

โดยทั่วไป ประกันภัย CTP จะครอบคลุมความผิดของคุณ และความรับผิดของใครก็ตามที่ขับรถของคุณโดยที่ได้รับอนุญาตจากคุณแล้ว สำหรับการบาดเจ็บที่เกิดกับผู้อื่นในอุบัติเหตุทางรถยนต์ ซึ่งอาจรวมถึงการบาดเจ็บต่อ :

• ผู้โดยสารของคุณ

• คนขับและผู้โดยสารในรถคันอื่น

• คนปั่นจักรยาน

• คนเดินเท้า

โดยพื้นฐานแล้ว ความคุ้มครองมีไว้สำหรับใครก็ตามที่ได้รับบาดเจ็บจากอุบัติเหตุ ยกเว้นบุคคลที่เป็นฝ่ายผิด

ในทำนองเดียวกัน หากคุณได้รับบาดเจ็บจากอุบัติเหตุบนท้องถนน และคุณไม่ได้เป็นฝ่ายผิด ประกัน CTP ของผู้ขับขี่คู่กรณีสามารถช่วยคุ้มครองค่ารักษาพยาบาลของคุณได้

อย่างไรก็ตามการประกันภัยภาคบังคับสำหรับบุคคลที่สาม (CTP) ไม่ได้คุ้มครองในส่วนของความเสียหายต่อรถยนต์ ยานพาหนะ หรือทรัพย์สินของคุณที่เสียหายจากอุบัติเหตุ

ฉันจะทำประกันภัย CTP ในรัฐควีนส์แลนด์ได้อย่างไร?

ประกันภัย CTP มีผลบังคับใช้ในทุกรัฐและทุกพื้นที่ของออสเตรเลีย แต่วิธีที่คุณจะทำประกันภัย CTP แตกต่างกันไปในแต่ละรัฐ

ในรัฐควีนส์แลนด์ นิวเซาท์เวลส์ เซาท์ออสเตรเลีย และออสเตรเลียนแคพิทอลเทร์ริทอรี เมื่อคุณซื้อรถใหม่หรือรถมือสองจากตัวแทนจำหน่ายรถยนต์ ผู้ขับขี่สามารถเลือกผู้ให้บริการหรือบริษัทประกันภัย CTP ของตนได้ และจะต้องจัดเตรียมก่อนการลงทะเบียนรถคันใหม่จะเสร็จสิ้น โดยทั่วไปแล้วผู้ขายสามารถจัดเตรียมการจดทะเบียนและประกันภัย CTP ให้คุณได้ แต่สิ่งที่สำคัญที่สุดคือคุณต้องรู้ว่าคุณมีสิทธิ์ที่จะเลือกผู้ให้บริการหรือบริษัทประกันภัยที่คุณต้องการได้

โดย บริษัทประกันภัยภาคบังคับของบุคคลที่สาม (Compulsory Third Party – CTP) ที่คุณสามารถเลือกได้ในรัฐควีนส์แลนด์ มีดังนี้ :

• Allianz Insurance

• Suncorp Australia Insurance

• QBE Insurance

ทั้งนี้หากคุณต้องการตรวจสอบสิทธิ์ประกันภัย CTP รถยนต์ของคุณ คุณสามารถตรวจสอบได้ที่เว็บไซต์ตามลิงค์ข้างล่างได้เลย


สำหรับเพื่อน ๆ หรือท่านใดที่มีข้อสงสัยเกี่ยวกับประกันภัย CTP หรืออาจเกิดอุบัติเหตุบนท้องถนน และยังไม่ทราบถึงสิทธิ์ในการเรียกร้องขอค่าชดเชย เพื่อน ๆ ทุกท่านสามารถส่งคำถามเพิ่มเติมมาได้ที่

Email: Walun@rinkimlaw.com.au

หรือติดต่อได้ที่เบอร์โทรศัพท์ 0478 770 556

(คุณอ๋อง วลัญช์ อภิรัตน์เกษม)